Porchetta ribbe med pistasj og aprikos

Bedre ribbe enn dette skal man lete lenge etter. Her får dere Flyings versjon med italienske urter, hvitløk, pistasj og aprikoser. M mmm mmm.
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Beef ribs with coffee and chocolate

Beef ribs are some of the most delicious meat you can get your hands on. It takes several hours to prepare, but you won't regret it for a second when you sink your teeth into the meat. Grilling and cooking meat on the bone in general makes the meat extra juicy. This is no exception either. Large, fatty beef ribs with lots of well-marbled meat.
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Smoked New York cheese cake with pineapple chutney

For some, this is a slightly cunning variant, but it is incredibly good with the slight hint of smoke on the cake, along with the sweet garnish and the good nut crust. This is a variant we were inspired by on our little America trip almost ten years ago. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.
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