Flaming lips BBQ sauce

A great sauce to use as a marinade before, during and after grilling. Also works perfectly as a dip for currants if you are the type who likes it to tear a little. If you use it as a marinade on the meat before grilling, it is smart to omit coriander in the sauce, as it can easily burn itself and give a burnt taste. We still recommend not to drop the coriander completely, just add it at the end of the grilling, because it gives a fantastic taste to the meat. Adjust the desired strength of the sauce with the amount you use of Sriracha, a spicy chili sauce, and you get it exactly as you want.

Flaming lips BBQ-saus

Mix all the ingredients and enjoy!

4 servings
5 min

3 ss sriracha
3 tbsp soy sauce
6 tbsp Ketchup
6 tablespoons acacia honey
1 small bundle of coriander, coarsely chopped

Flaming lips BBQ sauce

A great sauce to use as a marinade before, during and after grilling. Also works perfectly as a dip for currants if you are the type who likes it to tear a little. If you use it as a marinade on the meat before grilling, it is smart to omit coriander in the sauce, as it can easily burn itself and give a burnt taste. We still recommend not to drop the coriander completely, just add it at the end of the grilling, because it gives a fantastic taste to the meat. Adjust the desired strength of the sauce with the amount you use of Sriracha, a spicy chili sauce, and you get it exactly as you want.

Flaming lips BBQ-saus
4 servings
5 min

3 ss sriracha
3 tbsp soy sauce
6 tbsp Ketchup
6 tablespoons acacia honey
1 small bundle of coriander, coarsely chopped


Mix all the ingredients and enjoy!